Alliance pour l’indépendance du Kurdistan :Appel à la grève au Kurdistan le 19 septembre...

L'alliance pour l'indépendance du Kurdistan a lancé un appel à une manifestation massive et à une grève au Kurdistan, pour le 19 septembre 2022 Zhina...

Geography of iran is totally fictitious

Translated by : Sarvin- BahoziKurdistan SARVIN What is now called Iran and its map flaunting like a siting cat formerly was named according to ruling...

Finland / The meeting of the Filipino writer and journalist Freda Fargo with Sardar...

Sardar waladBeigi , a member of the leadership of the Alliance for the independence of Kurdistan, met with Finnish-Filipino writer and journalist Freda Fargo. Today,...

Charter, Manifesto, Program, and Laws of the Kurdistan Independence Movement

Name and Description: Article 1 / Name: The movement is called the "Kurdistan Independence Movement" in English and abbreviated as BSK. Paragraph two / Explanations, analysis, and...
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